Welcome to IACIB Hospital & NGO

Health care service to Hijra/TG community:

IACIB  also has been  providing health care services  to Hijra/TG communityfor long free of cost.Hijra/TG community needs support during covid-19 pandemic. IACIB has a plan to established one cultural center/Opera house as an IGA for Hijra/TG community, if fund is available.

iacib-Health care service to Hijra-TG community

COVID-19 Response on health awareness: IACIB conducted health awareness on COVID-19 among different groups of population including health and paramedical staff and nurses with its own fund since Corona virus broken out on 8th March 2020. We taught the participants on hand wash, social distancing, use of Mask,  PPE,  Infra Thermometer, Gloves etc. for personal protection and  Preliminary symptoms of Coronal infection. The program is essence to expand into the community level in the wider area for human safety from COVID pandemic. The resources of IACIB is inadequate and needs support from all National and International funding agents.

iacib-COVID-19 Response on health awareness

Robotic Telemedicine :

IACIB received one Robotic Telemedicine equipment from World Telehealth Initiative (WTI), USA through Humanity Beyond Barriers (HBB) inc, USA. HBB tried for about two years for this equipment to support and install the equipment  at IACIB,s Savar Filaria and General Hospital.. Through this machine we are  giving  free health care services to poor patients with free consultation from doctors of USA, UK and abroad. We also started treatment by video conference from IACIB  Hospital at Savar to different districts to RMPs and will start soon with Sylhet, Hobigonj and Moulovibazar districts. This video conference treatment and free consultation is very helpful in this COVID-19 situation. This Robotic telemedicine was launched on 24th October 2021.Mr K.M Tariqul Islam Director General  (Grade-1), NGO Affairs Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Bangladesh was the chief guest and Md. Mazharul Islam UNO, Savar, Dhaka was special guest. In addition Jessica  KovalProgram Associate,  WTI, USA , Sharon Allen, ED, WTI, USA, Dr. Halima KarimHBB,USA, Dr. Sheikh Selim   Chairman, HBB,USA also attended launching ceremony and gave the speech. Prof. Dr. Moazzem  Hossain chairman IACIB gave the welcome speech and moderated the session.

Iacib-Robotic-Telemedicine--service-bangladesh iacib-Robotic Telemedicine

Ambulance from Bangladesh Bank (CSR Fund): One Ambulance was received from Bangladesh Bank (CSR Fund), GoB for IACIB in August 2021 for services to poor Thalassaemia, Filaria, disabled and Autistic patients and other general patients including pregnant ladies. The ambulance was registered timely and giving services to the underprivileged.

iacib-Ambulance from Bangladesh Bank (CSR Fund)

Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB) is a non government organization registered under Ministry of Social Welfare and NGO affairs Bureau, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and was founded in 1995. IACIB is committed to advancement of National as well as International health. The Institute enjoys good recognition for its achievement and establishment of Filaria Hospital at Syedpur and Filaria & General Hospital at Savar, Dhaka, teaching, research and services in the field of filariasis elimination and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

IACIB is led by its founder Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Professor of Microbiology, a WHO fellow on Immunology, Vaccinology & Bio-technology. He was the Director, Disease Control, under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and has unparallel contribution for filariasis elimination program in Bangladesh and establishment of Microbiology department in Medical Colleges.

The goal of IACIB is to improve the health and socio-economic development of the population. IACIB members are working towards achieving the goal. Thus different activities are under taken by this organization.

IACIB provides support to the disadvantage people in health as well as community based peoples who are more vulnerable towards HIV/AIDS & STDs, Asthma and Allergy diseases, Immunological disorders, Infectious diseases including   Filariasis, Malaria,  STH, Tobacco control Malaria, Kala-Azar, Dengue, Rabies, Avian Influenza etc. with necessary strength to implement health related program in the community.

Only IACIB has been working on filariasis elimination in Bangladesh. One Filaria hospital was established at Syedpur, Nilphamari and one Filaria and General Hospital was established at Zinzira, Savar, Dhaka to provide Filariasis morbidity control service and other communicable and non-communicable  diseases control as well as general health services.

It has Established 5 Community / Satellite clinic facilitated by

Mobile van with PA system and arrangement for documentary film show for social mobilization for control of various  communicable and non-communicable  diseases.

It has been working in Filaria endemic  Rajshahi division and Rangpur division and   Filaria & Malaria co-endemic Kurigram district and malaria endemic Chittagong district.

IACIB is working with  support from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Management Structure :

IACIB is a Non Profit making, Non- Government Development Organization has 21 General members and managed centrally by a 7 member Executive Committee. All activities including financial matters are audited yearly by registered CA farm under NGO affairs Bureau.

Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain is the Founder Chairman and Chief technical advisor. He is a specialist in Microbiology, Immunology & Biotechnology with long experience in operation of Government, Donor & NGO projects.

Each project of IACIB is managed by one Project director, who works under the supervision and guidance of the Executive committee.


IACIB has been working on various Health related issues with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and included in Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Development Program-  HNPSP 2003-2011and HPNSDP 2011-2016 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Line Director Communicable Disease Control, DGHS. Under this MoU IACIB is working on Filariasis and other communicable disease control including HIV/ AIDS and STI, Kala-Azar, Dengue, Rabies, STH, Avian Influenza etc. in all districts under Rajshahi and Rangpur  Division  and Dhaka Division. MOU under 2017- 21 is also under process.

Executive Committee of IACIB for 2021- 2023 (3 years)




Duration of Involvement


1Prof Dr. Moazzem HossainMaleRetired Govt. service26Chairman
2Mrs. Roxana BegumFemaleBusiness9Vice Chairman
3Md. Monjur HossainMaleService12Secretary General
4Eng. Md. Zahidul HoqueMaleService12Treasurer
5Sania AkterFemaleBusiness3Member
6Dr. Md. Arman HossainMaleBusiness3Member
7Dr. M.S Sharif Khan MojlisMaleBusiness6Member

Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain

Founder & Chairman | Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Dr. Moazzem Hossain

Founder & Chairman
IACIB is led by its founder Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology. IACIB has 21 General members with 7 members of its Executive Committee. Professor Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Chairman IACIB, is a specialist in Microbiology, Immunology & Biotechnology with long experience in operation of Govt. & NGO projects. He worked in Directorate General of Health Service, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as Director Disease Control for long.He received the ‘Vestergaard Frandsen Award 2011’ from the National Academy of Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases, India for the South East Asian region for his outstanding contributions in the field of communicable diseases control in Bangladesh. His work has been appreciated by various national and international bodies.
Microbiology, Immunology & Biotechnology
M.Phil Medical Microbiology
Interest Goal
I am now working for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). I am looking for interested partners to work together on NTDs
Available Days

Out door services :
In Bangladesh there are millions of patients suffer from Asthma, Other Allergic disease, environmental disorders, immunological disorders etc. IACIB has been working on these disorders. IACIB has introduced health card system for registration of patient attending IACIB and its different service centers. IACIB has enlisted more than 40,000 patient suffering from Asthma, various allergic diseases and immunological disorders for consultation, diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic services.

Allergy test and Immunotherphy :
IACIB has introduced in 1989 (Long before registration of IACIB) for the first time in Bangladesh the “Allergy Test” for allergen detection in various allergic diseases and doing hyposensitisation / immunotheraphy. On allergy test it is seen that most patients suffer from house dust, mite allergy. Food allergy is negligible.

Immunological Investigations :
Since its inception IACIB has introduced for the first time in Bangladesh various modern immunological investigations as immuno-diagnosis of tuberculosis from body fluids, immuno-chromatographic test (ICT) for Filaria, Malaria, Dengue, Tuberculosis (TB) and Immuno diagnostic test for infertility / anti -sperm antibody etc.

IEC activity :
In addition to other IEC activities IACIB conducted some seminar and television discussion on Asthma and allergic diseases, environmental pollution, modern immunological investigations on Filaria, Malaria, Dengue, Tuberculosis, allergic diseases etc. for social mobilization on control of these diseases. There is a need to support to establish service centers through out the country for control of environmental disorders.

There is a need to support to establish service centers through out the country for control of environmental disorders, isolation of Allergens in various parts of the country, local production of diagnostic and therapeutic Allergens, immuno-diagnostic keeds, research in field of immunology and immuno therapy etc.

IACIB has been working on Avian Influenza with Ministry of Livestock for Strengthening of Support services for combating Avian Influenza in Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Dinazpur, Gaibanda, Panchgar,Kurigram district of Bangladesh in the year of 2009-10.

Bangladesh has made significant progress in reducing mortality and morbidity rates over the last few decades as a whole, and in particular IACIB has had particular success in reducing mother and infant mortality and morbidity rates in the surrounding areas of Savar, Dhaka after establishing Filaria & General Hospital. In 2012, we launched the Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project (MNCH) with a focus on maternal, neo-natal and child health, in order to reduce persistently high mortality and morbidity rate of mothers and children in Bangladesh. Under this project we have been working among garments factory workers to reduce their maternal and child mortality through SRHR Project to achieve MDG 4, 5 & 6 with Dutch Fund through HASAB and Marie Stopes. Key features of this program included capacity development of human resources in community health promotion, the empowerment of women and appropriate support groups, provision of maternal, neonatal and child health services and development of referrals to Filaria & General Hospital, Kolma, Savar, Dhaka. One of the innovations of this project is the establishment of delivery centers designed to provide privacy and maintain improved hygiene and cleanliness during delivery. Also these delivery centers provide critical access of pregnant women to medical expertise and enable quick laboratory diagnosis, ultra sonography, caesarian operation for pregnancy/ delivery complications and referral for hospital based delivery and to reduce home based delivery followed by PNC. There is a need for support in the field so that maternal, neo natal and child mortality could be reduced to zero through hospital based delivery .

IACIB has conducted a survey to see the present status of the child labour among its different groups of  population. The survey revealed that the child of the existing target group means the disabled filariasis patient; Rickshaw pullers and their wives are engaged in different works for poverty alleviation.  IACIB has also conducted a KAP study among ReadyMade Garments (RMG) workers.

Iacib-Laboratory iacib-SonographyIacib-Caesarian-section-in-OT

Communicable diseases Control (CDC)

 Only IACIB has been working on filariasis elimination and morbidity control including mobile hydrocelectomy along with social mobilization in  Rajshahi and   Rangpur division and Dhaka. In addition IACIB has also been working for control of other communicable diseases as Malaria, Dengue, Kala-azar, Rabies, HIV/AIDS and STI prevention, Avian Influenza, Vector Control and intestinal parasite control (STH-Soil Transmitted Helminthes) etc . Among these  districts under Rangpur division,  Kurigram district is co-endemic for filaria & Malaria, where IACIB is working in all 9 upazillas of the district. IACIB has also been working since 2007 in malaria endemic Anwara upozila of Chittagong district on Malaria control under Global Fund (GFATM).

Disaster Activity
In Bangladesh Flood and SIDR is very frequent. As there is possibility of massive earth quack and devastating flood in Bangladesh, so IACIB planned to work in this field for capacity development for mass casualty management and to respond with adequate preparedness during any natural emergency, rehabilitation to children and old people. For this support is needed.

IACIB worked on SIDR affected area in 2007:

Delivery of free health care services to more than 400 patients in Sharankhola Upozila under Begherhat District in 2007 SIDR.

1. Installation of sanitary latrine among 200 house holds in Sharankhola Upozila under Begherhat District in 2007 SIDR.

2.IACIB has undertaken a plan to work among orphans to provide Psycho social support and rehabilitation and also to support the old people.

Eco Health Project:

IACIB has undertaken in 2012- 2013 (from Nov 2012 to March 2013 ) a pilot study titled “Beautiful Bangladesh Eco-health initiative” at Birulia Union under Savar Uapzila, where Filaria and General Hospital is located . This study was supported by Professor Kazuhiko MOJI, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature , Japan . The objective of the pilot initiative is to establish the project area as a model of Eco-Health for green and clean area of Beautiful Bangladesh. To get an idea and clear understanding regarding socio economic status of the pilot area, to measure existing knowledge, attitude and practice of the local community, environmental situation, quality of local services, vectors in the locality, other climate and health related issues a number of studies were under taken. These are GIS based survey and mapping, Base line survey and KAP study, Vector study, Bio-diversity , etc along with documentation of different activities. This is the first study on climate change and health in Bangladesh .

Automatic Weather Station (AWS) installed at Syedpur Filaria Hospital

The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was installed on 21st April, 2011 at Filaria Hospital by Prof. Takashi Hayashi, Kyoto University , Japan . It was supported by Prof. Kazuhiko MOJI of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan for research on climate change and NTDs . They will continue the data recording for 330 days from April 21st. As the Kalbaisaki (local name) or severe local thunder storm occurs frequently in the Northwestern part in Bangladesh , so the damage by thunder and lightning load will be prevented.
One more AWS will be installed at Savar Filaria and General Hospital in 2013 for recording data related to weather and climate variables.

IACIB has planned to establish the first Snake Park and Training & Research Center at Filaria and General Hospital Campus, Savar, Dhaka in its own land along with the laboratory for collection of snake venom for production of anti- snake venom with local poisonous snakes. This project has been submitted to Ministry of Social Welfare, GOB and under process for support.

Filariasis Elimination Program

Only IACIB has been  working on Filariasis Elimination in Bangladesh as per WHO guide line, along with health education, awareness creation and morbidity control.

  1. We have successfully completed 3 pilot projects with grant from Ministry of Science and Technology, GoB and given mass drug treatment in Nilfamari District and 1 project in slum area of Dhaka city.
  1. One project was completed on Elimination of Filariasis with grant from Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), at Syedpur thana under Nilfamari District   1999- 2000. In fact Canadian CIDA is the first donor organization in Bangladesh who came forward for support for this Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs) and supported the IACIB to under take pilot project on filariasis elimination.
  1. One Filaria Hospital was established in 2002 with grant from The Embassy of Japan at Syedpur Under Nilphamari District and an Annex Building (Administrative Building) has been established with support from GOB. The expansion program of Hospital was completed in 2009 with construction of four storied building with support from Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh.
  1. IACIB has been working on filariasis elimination and morbidity control along with social mobilization for control of other communicable disease as Malaria, Kala-azar, Rabies, Dengue and Vector Control in all Filaria endemic districts under Rajshahi division and Rangpur division and  filaria & Malaria co-endemic Kurigram district and malaria endemic Chittagong district .

Filaria Hospital, Syedpur:

The Filaria Hospital at Saidpur under Nilphamari district started functioning from 1 January 2003. The hospital was the only hospital of this kind in Bangladesh and Globally. The hospital has been providing the following services

  • Out door services
  • Indoor services
  • Surgery/hydrocelectomy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Diagnostic services
  • Community home based morbidity control (CHBMC) services
  • Social Mobilization
  • Training to GO-NGO Collaborative programs
  • Filaria health club and community development program
  • Research
  • Rehabilitation to widows
  • Maternal and child health program
  • SRHR services to RMG workers and Rickshaw pullers and their wives.

The filaria hospital has been providing morbidity control services to filariasis patients to reduce their sufferings. As a part of this activity the hospital has been conducting training to Government health and paramedical health staff, NGOs, Rural Medical practitioners, JOCV volunteers, .It has been providing research opportunities on various aspects of filariasis including morbidity control to foreign students and conducted collaborative research with CNTD, Liverpool, UK on climate change and morbidity control.

The hospital was visited by many distinguished visitors including Hon’ble Health Advisor Major General (Dr.) A. S. M. Matiur Rahman (Rtd.) and his recommendation is “I have been deeply impressed to see the dedication and devotion of PM and others. They are doing an excellent job in the cost, support and treatment of Filariasis This program needs support from all”. Mr. Masayuki Inoue, High Commissioner of Japan, Dr. Wichai Ekataksin, Lymphoedema Care Center, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University, Bankok, Thailand, Prof. P.K Das, Director VCRC, Pondicherry, India, Prof. Williem a. Petrif, University of Virginia, USA, Katherine Ralston PhD, Post doctoral fellow, University of Virginia, USA, Prof. Shinjiro Hamano PhD, Nagasaki University, Nekken, Japan,   Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Mr. A.F.M Sarwar Kamal, Secretary Ministry of Religious affairs, Secretary Ministry of Water resources Director General of Health Service Dr. Shajahan Biswas, Dr. Abdur Rahaman Khan &  Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, David Sproule High Commissioner of Canada, Lepra Representative  JICA Resident Representative in Bangladesh, Mr. Tsuruda Shinya Second Secretary, The Embassy of Japan,  Dr. Gautam Biswas Team leader filarasis WHO Head Quarter, Geneva, Dr. EA Padmisiri from SEARO, Dr. George John Komba Kono, Dr. Abdul Mannan Bangali WHO, Dhaka, Dr. Catherine R Devries Chairperson International Volunteers in Urology (IVU), and officers from International Donor community and research organization etc. They marked it as a “Wonderful and Remarkable achievement”

  1. IACIB  completed a project on Filariasis Morbidity Control funded by SIMAVI Netherland Under this support IACIB prepared a Documentary film, the film sowing for social mobilization l continued till 2011.
  2. Under AUS-AID support IACIB Started Rehabilitation Project on sewing to widows in 2006. The project was completed but the project activity (Sewing training and other program) continued till 2011.
  3. IACIB conducted  treatment and morbidity Control Camp more than 4 times in a month through filaria hospital, in the camp Primary health care, General Treatment, Morbidity control activities were held. Free medicine was distributed during camp.

Community / Satellite clinics on SRHR and General health services:

  1. With fund from CIDA, IACIB started 8 Community / Satellite clinics in 2004-05. The project / clinic services  continued till 2011 and IACIB started another 3 Satellite clinic in the district. These community clinics  provided PHC services free of cost to  poor patients including Garments workers in different districts under Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. Doctors from Filaria Hospital, Syedpur attended to each clinic once a week. The clinics also supplies free medicine, referral services and advocacy for HIV/ AIDS prevention and SRHR services.
  2. Similar satellite clinics were also run by IACIB in different Garment factories at Savar –Asulia areas , where doctors from Savar Filaria and General Hospital of IACIB attend 2-3 days a week and provide free consultancy services, referral services and advocacy for HIV/ AIDS prevention, other SRHR services, improvement of Menstrual hygiene etc. IACIB also provided Community based services on SRHR at Savar- Asulia.

The 8 Community/Satellite clinics were established in the following places:

  1. Number 4 Botlagari Union Parishad,

Syedpur, Nilphamari

  1. Number 11 Tetulia Union Parishad

Chirir Bandar Upozila, Dinajpur

  1. Number 3 Bangalipur Union Parishad

Syedpur, Nilphamari

  1. Number 1 Nasratpur Union Parisad

Chirir Bandar Upozila, Dinajpur

  1. Charaikhola Family Welfare Center

Sadar, Nilphamari

  1.       IACIB, Rustum Hat, Bat toli Union, Anwara, Chittagog
  2.         IACIB, Saulmari Union, Rawmari, Kurigram
  3.        IACIB, Khalid Vila, College Road, Char Rajibpur, Kurigram.

 Filaria and General  Hospital, Savar, Dhaka:

One  specialized 5 storied Filaria and General  Hospital with 10 storied foundation for  Control of  NTDs along with general health services was established with support from Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh at   Zinzira, Savar under  Dhaka district in 2010- 2012. The  hospital  started functioning from 1st July 2012. The 3rd International  conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) was  organized on 1- 2 Sep 2012 at Filaria and General Hospital, Savar with support from JST / JICA. The Hospital was officially opened by the Hon’ble Minister , Ministry of Social Welfare, GOB on 2nd Sep 2012. The 3rd NTDs conference was also officially opened by the Late Minister for Social Welfare Mr. Enamul Huq Mustafa Sahid on the same day. This Hospital will help in training for GO- NGO staff,  establish more National and International collaboration and a Center of Excellence for NTDs.

Training for Government doctors of BCS 33rd batch on NTDs:

IACIB conducted one day training for Government doctors of BCS 33rd batch in 2015 on Filariasis, STH and other NTDs at Savar “Filaria and General Hospital” while Professor Dr. A.K.M. Shamsuzzaman was Director Disease Control and Line Director CDC, DGHS. After his transfer this training was stopped. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare  recently in 2016 ordered for training  of all doctors and community health care providers on Filariasis and  NTDs at Savar “Filaria and General Hospital” , as this training is very much essential for proper management of NTDs and reduce sufferings of patients. It is expected that the training will be included in next sector program 2017- 2021.

GHSI – Bangladesh Campus:

The GHSI(Global Health Share Initiative)  team from University of California, Davis visited Filaria and General Hospital Campus, Savar, Dhaka on 18 March 2011and the head office of IACIB. GHS made  an agreement with Bangladesh Directorate for Health Services and the IACIB  to begin testing a plant-based oral vaccine and antibodies for preventing Rabies. The team members were Prof. Dr. Raymond Rodriguez, Dr. Somen Nandi  and Dr. Delia Bethell. This future GHSI Bangladesh campus at Savar  will be one of Global HealthShare’s first anchor institutes in Bangladesh according to this proposed architectural rendering. In addition Institute of One World Health (IOWH) , now called PATH  will also collaborate with this project of GHSI. Dr. Raj Shanker Ghosh from IOWH also visited this campus.

IACIB has been working on HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention since its inception with support from UNDP, UNICEF, HASAB etc. The target population of IACIB on HIV/AIDs is Rickshaw pullers and their wives, defence personnel (Police, Army etc.), School students, IDU. The following activities were under taken:

Observation of World AIDS Day-2008
Observation of World AIDS Day-2007
  • Awareness creation by different IEC materials
  • One to one and group discussion
  • Counseling
  • KAP survey among the target population
  • Human resource development in the field
  • Medical services
  • Distribution of Rickshaw, condom and incentives.
  • Observation of World AIDS day
One HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention project among Rickshaw pullers and their wives in Narayangonj town was completed with support from UNICEF in 2004-2005.
During door to door registration of patients for consultation at IACIB, Dhaka and Filaria Hospital, Syedpur, field staff of IACIB also advocates simultaneously on prevention of HIV/AIDS and STD. A total of 5000 persons with uniform has also been registered & advocated for HIV/AIDS & STD prevention. Program in 2004.
2000-2002 One project on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention among drug addicts in Sayedpur was also completed. 400 Rickshaw Pullers in Saidpur was registered and advocated on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention in 2000-2002
One UNDP funded project on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention among 3000 Rickshaw pullers and 100 of their wives in Narayangonj Town was complete from 2000-2002, 400 Rickshaw Pullers in Saidpur has been registered and advocated on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention.

Other Activities:

Future Plan:

It is predicted that there will be millions of HIV/AIDS patient in Bangladesh soon within 5 years. Considering their treatment and re-habilitation IACIB has been planning to start one HIV/AIDS & STD Hospital at Dhaka soon by 2010 along with a counseling and rehabilitation center for which there is an urgent need for support.

HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention Program:

  1. During door-to-door registration of patients for consultation at IACIB head office, Dhaka and Filaria Hospital, Syedpur, Nilphamari and Filaria and General Hospital, Savar, Dhaka  field staff of IACIB also advocates simultaneously on prevention of HIV/AIDS and STI. A total of 5000 persons with uniform  and 45000 patients in Dhaka has also been registered & advocated for HIV/AIDS & STD prevention with support from HNPSP 2003- 2011 of MOH&FW..
  2. 400 Rickshaw Pullers in Syedpur has been registered and advocated on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention.
  • One project on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention among drug addicts in Syedpur was also conducted.
  1. One UNDP/ UNOPS funded project on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention among 3000 Rickshaw pullers, 100 of their wives and Rickshaw Garage owners in Narayangonj Town was complete from July 2000- Nov 2002.
  1. One HIV/AIDS & STD prevention activity was conducted with support from HASAB where World AIDS Day was observed in December 2003. There was Rickshaw rally in Narayangonj town and discussion session in the conference room of civil surgeon with participants from Government and private sector including target community as Rickshaw pullers, their wives and Rickshaw Garage owners.
  1. One Project HIV/AIDS Intervention Fund (HAIF) under HAPP among Rickshaw Garage owner, Rickshaw pullers and their wives  in Narayangonj town was complete with support from UNICEF from August 2004- February 2005.
  • HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention and  Sexual  and Reproductive Health Rights  (SRHR) among Garments workers  in Narayangonj town and  Nilphamari was complete from   2005- 2007  and Savar- Asulia  is ongoing since   2010 with support from HNPSP 2003- 2011 and HPNSDP 2011-2016   of MOH&FW. In addition to advocacy and awareness creation, other primary health care services and referral services were also provided by IACIB at both Savar and Syedpur due to availability of Hospitals (Filaria Hospital, Syedpur and Filaria and General Hospital, Savar) of IACIB.
  • HIV/AIDS & STD prevention and  Sexual  and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) among Rickshaw Pullers, their wives  and Garments workers  is ongoing in Rowmari and Rajibpur upozila under Kurigram district and Anwara upozila under Chittagong District  and observation of  World AIDS day every year in these areas where  IACIB has also been working on Malaria control  under GFATM  since 2007 with support from HNPSP 2003- 2011 and HPNSDP 2011-2016  of MOH&FW.
  1. Worked on HIV/AIDS & STD prevention and  Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)  and environmental health among  Garments workers at Birulia, Asulia , Savar, Dhaka , where “Filaria and General Hospital” under IACIB  is located and hundreds of Garment Industries are located in this area.  This work was done with support from Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) , Kyoto, Japan under  Beautiful Bangladesh Ecohealth Initiative (BBEHI) Project. BBEHI is a GIS based  Climate change/ environmental change and health project for garments workers. Under this projects all the Garments factories of Birulia Union were Mapped by GPS. During the project period we found one HIV/ AIDS patient and Referred to AAS/ IDH, Mohakhali for Free treatment. Also we found that most of the garments workers (>10%) are suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis and needs urgent attention.
  2. Worked with HIV/AIDS, Health, Nutrition, Population and Education issues

among Garments Workers supported by GOB, JDCF, World Bank under HNPSP 2003- 2011.

  1. Link-up Project: IACIB worked under Link-Up Project: HIV/ AIDs and STI prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among Garments Workers from 2013- 2015 with Dutch Fund through HASAB  at Dhaka North and South, Gazipu, Narayangonj and Savar- Asulia.
  • Working with Women Project: IACIB has been working  on HIV/ AIDs and STI prevention and  Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among Garments Workers from 2015 till 2018 under  SNV (The Netherlands Development Organization)  at Savar – Asulia, Dhaka.

Role of IACIB in strengthening the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)  movement:

  • IACIB worked on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) including Family Planning among selected Garments Factory Workers.
  • Developed a master list for both male and female  Factory Workers for ICT Based activities and SRHR services.
  • Organized relevant local level campaigns, conducted advocacy and sensitization meeting for factory managements.
  • Organized awareness raising campaign and training among Garments workers on SRHR, safety, security, menstrual health, personal hygiene, referral services and hospital based delivery etc
  • Awareness raising for reduction of maternal, infant and child mortality
  • Awareness raising for 100% potential case of ANC and PNC to be under coverage and at least 3 visit by the medical service provider
  • Awareness raising for Child care and vaccination to children and TT vaccination for pregnant and non-pregnant RMG workers
  • Awareness raising for 100% cases to be diagnosed and treated for communicable (STI, RTI etc) and non communicable diseases.
  • Procurement of Computer, medicine, Sanitary napkins, IEC materials, Family Planning commodities etc
  • The implementation of the activities  after awareness creation and training by promoting affordable and quality SRHR services through Inclusive Business Practices to improve the situation of the target groups and sustainability of the project activities.
  • Contraceptive information and services, including emergency contraception and a range of modern contraceptive methods.
  • Safe MR, abortion and post abortion care (PAC).
  • Menstrual hygiene management.
  • Information, education and Counseling, prevention and surveillance of violation against women (VAW), care for survivors of violence.
  • While providing urban and community based medical support to the persons suffering from various Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) mainly Filariasis, Rabies, Malaria, Kala-Azar, Helminthiasis, snake bite, vector borne parasitic diseases and HIV/AIDS & STD etc. IACIB also advocated on SRHR activities among targeted beneficiaries.
  • Work place and community based comprehensive primary health care services and SRHR including Family Planning.
  • Professional skill development activities on communicable and non-communicable public health focus and SRHR.
  • In addition school based approach on SRHR, STIs control among students, teachers and parents were conducted.

World AIDS Day and other Days Observation:

-IACIB has been observing World AIDS Day every year on 1st December  at Syedpur and Savar, Dhaka also at National level.

-World Women Day Observation: IACIB has been observing World Women Day regularly at Savar –Asulia area on 8th March every year.

-World Human Rights Day: IACIB has been observing World Human Rights Day regularly at Savar –Asulia area  on 10th December  every year.

-National Filariasis Day: IACIB has been observing National Filariasis Day regularly at Savar –Asulia area  on 15th January  every year.

Healthcare services to people living with HIV (PLHIV)

The Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB) has been providing healthcare services to people living with HIV (PLHIV) for the past two years. Through its own facilities and resources, IACIB has developed services that leverage medical professionals, m-health, and robotic technologies. Currently, services are offered at the Filaria and General Hospital in Savar, Dhaka, which also caters to thalassemia and general healthcare needs. However, despite these efforts, PLHIV continues to face significant challenges in accessing care due to stigma, discrimination, and structural barriers in both public and private healthcare systems.

A recent consultation with PLHIV networks and community-based organizations (CBOs) representing key population  (KP) groups—including transgender individuals, men who have sex with men (MSM), female sex workers (FSWs), and injecting drug users (IDUs)—highlighted these ongoing challenges, such as denial of services, unwillingness to perform surgeries, lack of trained healthcare providers, inadequate counseling and side effect management, dental health, system for regular annual checkup of CBC, Hepatitis B&C, Creatinine etc. and poverty-driven barriers to treatment adherence.

IACIB has been providing services on HIV/AIDs and STI, Sexual and Reproductive Health  and Rights (SRHR) among Garments Factory Workers  under “Link-Up Project” at Savar- Asulia area, Dhaka North and South, Gazipur and  Narayangonj since Dec 2013 with Dutch Fund through HASAB and clinical care services  with support from Marie Stopes Bangladesh.   IACIB has also  been providing services on HIV/AIDs and STI, Sexual and Reproductive Health  and Rights (SRHR) among  RMG Factory Workers  under “Working with Women Project” with support from SNV (The Netherlands Development Organization) at Savar Asulia area since August 2015. This project is complete in March 2017 and will be renewed soon . Under this project IACIB has been providing SRHR services at the factory, Community and referral services at  Filaria and General Hospital. It has also been providing menstrual hygiene and personal hygiene to RMG workers. Under these two projects IACIB provided services in 45 RMG factories only. The services needs to be expanded and continued throughout the country among 5400 Factories and about 4.6 million RMG workers.

        IACIB  has been providing free PHC services , awareness/ counseling on HIV/AIDS & STI prevention, tobacco control, Asthma & allergic diseases management among garments workers of different Garment industries at Savar- Asulia area since 2010  with support from HNPSP (2003- 2011) and HPNSDP (2011-2016) of MOH&FW and also providing free medicines and other indoor hospital services at nominal fees. Similar services were also provided to Garments factory workers  at Nilphamari, and Kurigram district by IACIB since 2005 with support from HNPSP of MOH&FW through its Filaria Hospital at Syedpur under Nilphamari district and GF malaria office under Kurigram district. The doctors from Savar Filaria  and General hospital provides services once a week in different Garment Industries through a MOU with IACIB. It was seen that there are many pulmonary  and extra pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) cases and other occupational lung diseases  and skin diseases among garments workers.

Leishmaniasis (kala-azar) and other Communicable Diseases

Only IACIB has been working on filariasis elimination and morbidity control including mobile hydrocelectomy along with social mobilization in all Filaria endemic districts. In addition IACIB has also been working for control of other communicable diseases as Malaria, Dengue, Kala-azar and Vector Control and intestinal parasite control (Soil Transmitted Helminthes). Among these districts Kurigram district is co-endemic for filaria & Malaria, where IACIB is working in all upazillas of the district. IACIB has conducted Leishmaniasis Survey in close collaboration with ICDDRB with support from Ministry of Health.

One project on vector (Sand fly) control with LLIN (Permanet 3.0) along with wall lining, insecticide spray, social mobilization and treatment with oral Miltefosine is under way for effective control of Leishmaniasis. As no planned activities for Kala-azar control is ongoing from Directorate of Health Service, so IACIB has planned to expand its activities in all Kala-azar endemic districts. Most of the districts are co-endemic for filaria and Kala-azar, Neglected diseases of the poor community.

Dengue Control:

One project on vector control by using insecticide treated window/door screen/curtains for dengue control is also under way by IACIB.In addition IACIB is also giving training to volunteers and school students on Dengue control and also conducting dengue vector survey

IACIB has been working since 2007 to implement the Malaria Prevention and Control program under GFATM Round-6 and Round-9. The project areas of IACIB are located at 3 different upazilas of 2 districts of Bangladesh as below:

  • Anwara (Chittagong).
  • Rowmari (Kurigram).
  • Rajibpur (Kurigram).

Under Malaria Control program following activities are being implemented:

  • 3 Project Offices with 3 Warehouses and 3 Laboratories were established in 3 Upazilas.
  • Long Lasting Insecticide Net distribution.
  • Treatment of existing net with insecticide.
  • Advocacy workshop with Local Formal and informal leaders
  • BCC Meeting with Union and village level leaders
  • Organize folk song and popular theater for raising awareness among the general people regarding prevention and control of Malaria in local language by popular artists of the area concerned.
  • Observation of World Malaria Day.

Diagnosis & Treatment of Malaria:

  • Community based laboratory diagnosis and treatment of Malaria
  • Diagnosis of malaria by RDT & BSE
  • Referring severe malaria cases to Upazila Health Complexes for better treatment.

It may be mentioned that Bangladesh received the  Global Fund Malaria under GFATM  for the first time in 2007 while Professor Dr. Moazzem Hossain  was the Director Disease control and LD CDC, MOHFW, GOB.

Goal: Reduce burden of malaria in 13 high endemic districts: 60% from baseline year 2008 by 2015.


  • To expand use of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN), 2 nets per house hold, to achieve 100 % coverage in 3 high malaria endemic CHT districts and 80% coverage (LLIN/ITN) in remaining 10 districts.
  • To expand and improve quality diagnosis and treatment to 90% of malaria cases at early stage.
  • To further strengthen program management capacity, coordination and partnership in malaria control.

Working Location:

Selected DistrictsSelected Upazila# of  UnionsHouse hold CoveredPopulationCovered





















Distribution of LLIN among the extreme poor of Anowara, Chittagong

Under Malaria Control program following activities are implemented:

  • 3 Upazilla project offices with warehouses and Laboratories for Malaria Parasite Examination were established in 3 Upazilas.
  • Long Lasting Insecticide Net (LLIN) distribution.
  • Treatment of existing net with insecticide.
  • Advocacy workshop with Local Formal and informal leaders.
  • BCC meeting with union and village level leaders.
  • Organize folk song and popular theater for raising awareness among the general people regarding prevention and control of Malaria.
  • Village Doctors Orientation.
  • Observation of World Malaria Day.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria:

1)Community based diagnosis and treatment of Malaria.
2) Diagnosis of malaria by RDT & BSE
3) Referring severe malaria cases to Upazila Health Complexes for better treatment.

Malaria activity with BRCS:

IACIB has a MOU with Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BRCS) to work on malaria control at Dewangonj upazila under Jamalpur district, where there is no Government program. Accordingly IACIB has been working at Jamalpur with BRAC

IACIB has conducted a survey among its different target population on micro credit program. The survey revealed that micro credit program will be successful and needs to be introduced as soon as possible among disabled filariasis patient for their rehabilitation and among Rickshaw pullers and their wives for poverty alleviation. There is a need for support in the field.

School based diseases (Parasite) Control

IACIB has been working on control of Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and other Intestinal parasites, Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) control, Mosquito control and vector control etc. The main activities under this program include social mobilization through different IEC campaign, documentary film show, diagnostic & therapeutic services. IACIB has also been working on school based approach on parasite control along with improvement of water and sanitation.

School de-worming activity organized by IACIB

IACIB also participated in international conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

IACIB has been working on awareness creation among school children on communicable and non communicable disease through documentary film show and IEC materials distribution, which is highly accepted to the community, students, teachers, guardians etc

International Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2008 held in Dhaka.
Speech of Professor Dr. Moazzem Hossain in International Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2008 held in Dhaka.

IACIB is acting as coordinator of Bangladesh Anti Rabies Association (BARA) and has observed 3rd World Rabies Day on 28 September 2009. IACIB has planned to work on rabies control by advocacy meeting, Training, IEC campaign, Killing of street dogs, vaccination of pet dogs and sterilization of dog etc. For these activities support is needed. IACIB also participated in international conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).


Rabies, a viral disease infects dog, cat, fox, jackal, mongoose, cattle in Bangladesh. It is 100% fatal but equally preventable and most neglected tropical diseases that affect hardcore poor people. More than 85% rabies patients are from rural areas, more than 95% are due to dog bite and mostly children aged between 6-15 years.

According to a report of Infectious Disease Hospital ( IDH), Dhaka, in 2006, more than 2000 die from Rabies and more than 300000 people are animal bitten yearly, though gross under reported.

In Bangladesh only Nerve Tissue vaccine (NTV) was available at government level, which is relatively ineffective with post vaccinal neuro-paralytic effect. In 2006, WHO advised to phase out the NTV replacing by Tissue Culture Vaccine (TCV). It is urgent for the government to take necessary steps to prevent unexpected death from Rabies any more and to take elimination program.

Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Director Disease Control, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), who is also the Chairman BARA has recently in May 2010 identified Rabies as one of the major public health problems and taken all necessary steps to prevent and control rabies in the country with active involvement of BARA in the following activities :

1. On 20 May 2010: A meeting at Local Government division with Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (LGRD), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOH&FW) and Ministry of Live Stock Department (LSD) and BARA were held under the chairmanship of Secretary Ministry of LGRD. Two important committees: National Steering Committee (NSC) and Technical Working Group (TWG) were formed in this meeting.

2. A series of workshop with experts of three ministries (Health, LGRD and LSD) and BARA members were held for finalization of two guidelines: National Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Rabies and Guidelines for Rabies Prophylaxis and ID Vaccination. The guidelines were finalized and printed.

3. On 11July 2010: ARV (TCV) at IDH, Dhaka was started with simultaneous training of doctors, nurses and vaccinators on prevention and control of rabies and ID vaccination. Subsequently the doctors, nurses and vaccinators were given TOT training from all 7 divisions of the country to start ID TCV in all divisions with help of BARA experts.

4. On 24 July 2010: Consultative meeting with Divisional Directors, Directors of Medical College Hospitals, Chief Health Officers of City Corporations, Metrons of Medical College Hospitals located at 7 divisional head quarters, Senior Consultants of all Infectious Disease Hospitals of the country was held at Dhaka to start the ID TCV at all divisional level.

5. On 25 July 2010: Press briefing with Print and Electric media on Rabies control activities in Bangladesh with the introduction of TCV in place of NTV.

6. On 11 August 2010: First NSC meeting was held at MOH&FW presided over by Hon’ble Minister, MH&FW Prof. A.F.M. Ruhal Haque. National guidelines & introduction of user’s fee were approved in the meeting.

7. On 15 August 2010: First Advocacy meeting at Raipura upozila under Narsingdi district were held to conduct one pilot study on Animal Birth Control (ABC) jointly with BARA.

8. On 19 and 20 September 2010: Training on ABC by chemical sterilization using EsterilSol at Dhaka and Paratuli union of Raipura upozila under Narsingdi district were held.

9. On 28 September 2010: 4th World Rabies Day at all 64 districts in the country were held for the first time in Bangladesh.

10. On 18 October 2010: Advocacy Meeting at Cox’s Bazar ( a tourist zone) was held to implement another pilot rabies project by BARA.

11. On 11 November 2010: Consultative meeting was held at Dhaka on Implementation of Rabies Control Program by using ID TCV in the whole country, where concerned stakeholders from all division, medical college hospitals, City Corporations and all districts attended.

12. Pilot study for rabies control was conducted by BARA experts on ABC by both surgical and chemical method with Dog survey, orientation meeting etc at Raipura in the island with six union surrounded by Meghna River.

13. Solmaid High School, Badda, Dhaka was taken on pilot basis for school based health education in Dhaka for rabies control among school students by BARA from 14th December 2010 for six months.

14. KAP study on rabies and pet animals were conducted among school students and general population.

15. Brain tissue of suspected cattle and dog were collected for molecular study of rabies by BARA and Oita University, Japan.

16. A study on efficacy of IDTCV is ongoing following introduction of IDTCV from 11 July 2010

A baseline survey was conducted on October in 2010 in Solmaid High School, Badda, Dhaka. It was conducted to realize the existing condition of the students on rabies knowledge and awareness. The survey was conducted with class 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 by random sampling method on 50 students including 24 male and 26 female. The survey was with some basic questions on rabies related knowledge and awareness.

Only IACIB worked and  has been working on Rabies control as a coordinator of  Anti Rabies Alliance of Bangladesh (BARA). The activities are:

  1. KAP study on Rabies among general population.
  2. KAP study on Rabies among school children.
  3. An intervention study on Rabies control among school students in Dhaka.
  4. Animal Birth Control (ABC) among dog population for Rabies control in an Island at Raipura Upozila under Norsingdi district.
  5. Study on presence of Rabies virus in the brain tissue of suspected rabid cattle & dog.
  6. Rabies antibody titre among patient receiving TCV
  7. Study on whether patient continue 4 doses of ID TCV or not.

IACIB is the only NGO working on rabies control in Bangladesh. It has conducted rabies surveillance, KAP study among students, Health Education to students jointly with NOVARTIS Vaccines and has conducted some studies on rabies. Anti Rabies Alliance of Bangladesh (BARA)  with NOVARTIS  distributed calendar for 2012, 2016 in different schools and offices. IACIB has been working as a coordinator of BARA. IACIB also observed 5th World Rabies Day on 28 September 2011 at Syedpur, Nilphamary and has been observing the day every year at Savar, Dhaka.

As a Coordinator of BARA, IACIB is a member of Technical Working Group (TWG) for National Rabies control constituted by Ministry of LGRD, GOB in May 2010.  IACIB took active role in development of National Guidelines and Strategies and development of ID vaccination Guidelines with Tissue Culture Vaccine (TCV). BARA/ IACIB conducted some joint researches with DGHS on Rabies control including Animal Birth Control (ABC) by chemical sterilization using EsterilSol, which are published in International Journals in 2012. A total of 1143 dogs were sterilized by different methods at Raipura Upazila under Norshingdi district in July-Nov 2010. IACIB has been collaborating with World Society for Protection of Animal (WSPA) and Human Society International (HIS) for ABC in Bangladesh.

Rabies Control through Animal Birth Control (ABC):

Only IACIB has been working on  Rabies Control through Animal Birth Control (ABC) in Bangladesh and conducted one Pilot study at Raipura sub-district under Norsingdhi distrct, where 1143 dogs were sterilized by ligation, vasectomy and  chemical sterilization.

MOU with Ministry of LGRD for Rabies Control through Animal Birth Control:

On 5th December 2013 IACIB had a meeting with all Mayors, Chief Executive Officers and Chief Veterinary surgeons of different City corporations of the country at the Ministry of LGRD along with officers of the Ministry.  The meeting decided that  IACIB will  conduct sterilization of dogs   in the whole   country,  along with health education to school children, Dog Vaccination, registration  etc, starting from 11 City corporations, a huge task . To implement this work with a SOP , it needs huge funding. LGRD Ministry will also support funding. Ministry recommended  IACIB to explore funding  from International donors  including  WSPA, HSI, WHO, FAO, GARC, OIE etc. Fund raising  is essential for control of Rabies in Bangladesh and to achieve the  goal. In the mean time MOU was signed with Gazipur and Rajshahi City corporation for Rabies control through ABC.

MOU with Humanity Beyond Barriers, USA and support for Rabies control:

IACIB has concluded a MOU with HBB- Humanity Beyond Barriers, USA  for Rabies control activities in Bangladesh in 2015. According to this MOU HBB supported IACIB 4150 USD for conduction of a Pilot study for health education among school children at Pubail, Gazipur. The study was conducted in two schools at Gazipur from January to March 2017. Poster, Calendar, leaflets etc were distributed among students and local elites along with health education session and Pre and Post KAP study.

HBB supported IACIB 4000.00 USD in August  2017 for Relief distribution among flood affected victims  at Rowmari and Rajibpur Upozila od Kurigram district. HBB  supported IACIB 9170.00 USD in December  2017 to March 2018 for advocacy meeting with formal and informal leaders at Savar, Dhaka. And USD 9926 for Thalassaemia screening among University students and Garments Factory workers at Savar, Dhaka from September 2018 to March 2019. HBB supported IACIB 2400 USD for Urethroplasty among poor patients at Sadar, Mymenshing district.

 World Rabies Day Observation :

  IACIB observed 5th World Rabies Day 2011 on 28th Sept and  conducted Rally with school children, teachers, local elites and  discussion session with teachers and

students, press briefing with media, Calendars for 2012 were  distributed with support from NOVARTIS. These were conducted at Syedpur  under Nilphamari district. IACIB also conducted 7th World Rabies day on 28th September 2013 at Zinzira, Savar, Dhaka with support from WHO for the first time .  Rally with school children, teachers, local elites were done. There was discussion session in Filaria and General Hospital conference room  with 250  teachers, students, media, local formal and informal leaders, Garments workers etc. T-Shirts were distributed. There were folk song, drama, dance  etc followed by  animal Birth Control (ABC)  and mass vaccination of dog and cats. Calendars for 2013-14 were  distributed to all participants and throughout the country to all district education officers for distribution to schools.IACIB has been observing World Rabies day every year at Savar area.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among Garments Factory workers:

IACIB has been conducting the project entitled “Better Sexual and Reporductive Health and Rights for Young People Affected by HIV (Link Up)” in two thanas (Savar Main & Ashulia) in Savar Upazila under Dhaka North since December 2013 and one project in Malibag – Tejgaon under Dhaka south since April 2014 in cooperation with HASAB and Marie Stopes Bangladesh (MSB). These projects are funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In fact, the Link Up Project (LUP) is an ambitious programme spanning five countries (Bangladesh, Myanmar, Burundi, Ethiopia and Uganda) that will reach 1,129,250 young people to improve their sexual and reproductive health. Under these projects IACIB will reach a total of 61500 in Dhaka North and 61500 Garments Factory Workers in Dhaka South. Both the projects include Gazipur and Narayangonj also.


To contribute to reduce unintended pregnancies, HIV transmission and HIV-related maternal mortality amongst young people affected by HIV (aged 10-24)


To increase the health seeking behavior and uptake of quality integrated maternal health, family planning and HIV information, services and commodities amongst young people affected by HIV and uphold their sexual and reproductive rights.


  1. Young people aged (10-24) are better informed and empowered to make healthier choice in relation to their sexual reproductive health and rights.
  2. Increase access to integrated HIV/SRHR services, anti-retroviral drugs, contraceptives and other commodities.
  3. Develop capacity of public, private and civil society based organization for quality service on sexual reproductive health and rights.
  4. Incorporate policies for recognizing SRHR law’s aiming young beneficiaries aged (10-24).


Project Activities

  1. 1.       Non-Clinical Activities

Non-clinical services are being conducted by the project staff of IACIB and these services are as follows:

  • Making  MoU with the garment factories
  • Conduct start up advocacy meeting
  • Collect mother list of the factory workers
  • Conduct baseline and end-line survey (pre KAP & post KAP)
  • Entry data into the SyrEx software
  • Select and develop Peer Educators
  • Establish Young Population Platformk (YPP) at district level & divisional level
  • Provide health education through  sessions (one to one and group)
  • Establish link up point for clinical serves at garment factories
  • Distribute BCC/IEC materials
  • Conduct advocacy meeting with the BGMEA/BKMEA/GoB/other stakeholders
  • Conduct  case studies
  • Conduct supervision, monitoring & documentation
  • Prepare periodical reports (programmatic & financial)
  1. 2.       Clinical Activities

Clinical activities are being conducted by the link up the medical team from Marie Stopes Bangladesh   (male medical team -1 & female medical team-1)  consisting of one doctor, one paramedic and one counselor. In fact, the direct services are being conducted by the link up the medical team at the satellite sessions established at the different garments. On the contrary, referral services are being conducted by the outside health facilities (Filaria & General Hospital, Private Clincs & Upazla Health Complex)

Health Education:
Health Education: The Link up Peer Educator is delivering health education among the garments workers.
Meeting with HASAB & International HIV/AIDS Alliance:
The high officials from HASAB and International HIV/AIDS Alliance visited IACIB on January 21, 2014 for observing the project activities.

Garments Visit:
As a part of the project activities the visitors also visited the CPM Composite Knit (Pvt) Ltd, one of the selected garments of Link up Project. They also met the factory authorities. In addition  visitors from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance also visited Savar Filaria & General Hospital and SRHR activities.

the visitors of Global Partners are enjoying the  Group Session among RMG workers by the Peer Educators at Savar.


International Women’s Day 2014:

The Link Up Project – IACIB observed the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2014. The theme of International Women’s Day 2014 is inspiring change. The Link up Project-IACIB organized Rally and Discussion Meeting at Filaria and General Hospital conference room on the occasion of Celebration of International Women’s Day -2014. Garments Factory Workers, Bede, House wives , formal – informal leaders, teachers attended the discussion meeting.

SRHR services among Bede community:

IACIB has been providing Free Healthcare Services including SRHR services to the Bede community at Savar through the weekly Mobile Health Camp with support from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Though the Bede community is very much vulnerable and stigmatized yet the healthcare support needs to be continued.


IACIB has planned to establish the first Snake Park (Training & Research Institute) at Filaria and General Hospital Campus, Savar, Dhaka in its own land along with the laboratory for collection of snake venom for production of anti- snake venom with local poisonous snakes. The approval for establishment of Snake park will be available soon. Mr. Sayedur Rahaman, Deputy Forest Conservator visited our Hospital and location for snake park on 05/10/2019. He was very impressed on different activities of IACIB.

Research on Bede Community by Japanese student: One Japanese student name Ken Yoshimura from Nagasaki University, Japan has been conducting research on Health seeking behavior of Bede Community and snake bite at IACIB from Sep 2019 to May 2020, as a part of his MPH degree..

Automatic Weather Station (AWS) installed at Syedpur Filaria Hospital

The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) installed on 21st April, 2011 at Filaria Hospital, Syedpur, Nilphamari by Prof. Takashi Hayashi, Kyoto University, Japan. It was  supported by Prof. Kazuhiko MOJI of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),(now Dean, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University), Japan for research on climate change and NTDs . They will continue the data recording throughout the year from April 21st. As the Kalbaisaki (local name) or severe local thunder storm occurs frequently in the Northwestern part in Bangladesh, so the  damage by thunder and lightning load  will be prevented  as soon as possible through the research.

IACIB started Thalassaemia Hospital and Institute  at Zinzira Savar Dhaka from January 2018. It has  concluded at Jahangir Nagar University and other 7 Universities around Thalassaemia Hospital and Institute for premarital screening among unmarried students and also among unmarried garments factory workers. With support from Humanity Beyond Barriers, Inc, USA  IACIB/ Thalassaemia Hospital and Institute  has  conducted  premarital screening among University students and  garments factory workers at Savar Asulia area from September 2018 to March 2019. Thalassaemia Hospital and Institute started Blood Bank and treating Thalassaemia patients scientifically with washed RBC and donating medicine/ iron chélation  free of cost to the patients.

Urethroplasty :  IACIB conducted a study titled “Urethroplasty among poor patients at Sadar, Mymenshing district”  with support from  Humanity Beyond Barriers, Inc, (HBB)  USA. Under this project a total of ten patients suffering from urethral disorder  were operated free of cost  at Mymenshing district from October 2018 to March 2019.

Day Care Center: From 01 September 2019 IACIB established one Day Care Center at Korail slum, Banani, Dhaka with support from HBB USA. There are 40 child/ Kids age from 1-5 years, who are given food (Lunch) & snacks in the morning daily  along with health education (hand wash, mouth wash, other persona; hygine). Before the children came here in the day care center they lived in an unhealthy environment. The kids would not eat at noon as their parents were at work all day. But the kids  are all happy  by eating healthy food daily  at noon. IACIB has provided free sewing machines and appointed a trainer to support the unemployed mothers of the children. In addition one of our medical officer gives free treatment once every month with free medicine.

Disability and Autism: From November 2019 IACIB established a Disability and Autistic School & Training Center at Zinzira, Savar, Dhaka. Here the Autistic children can learn basic knowledge, which helps in developing their intelligence.  IACIB has been planning to train Adult and their parents to train handicrafts to help them to become a self sufficient and income generating. Teachers and therapists were appointed for teaching the autistic children. IACIB conducted an “Advocacy meeting with  People with disabilities and their parents  along with  free medical camp” in Filaria & General Hospital Premises. On 11/11/19, IACIB organised a discussion meeting on various  neglected diseases  including disability and rabies with teachers of all the primary schools of Savar Upazila. During the discussion, Prof Dr Moazzem Hossain discussed how to treat and prevent neglected diseases such as filaria, thalassemia, rabies, snake bite  etc. Upazila education officers and other officials were also  present in the discussion.

CNP Craft: IACIB started CNP (Center for Neglected People) Craft where Disabled and Autistic Children and their parents are trained to prepare different handicrafts (Clothing, Leather, Jute, Wooden, Block, Fabric etc.) so that they become self sufficient through income generation. IACIB is planning to export these products to help these disabled and autistic patients. We hope local and International donors will come forward.

 BPDA meeting: On 26/10/19 IACIB organized a workshop with BPDA (Bangladesh Paramedical Doctors Association) members on various  neglected diseases  including disability and rabies. 150 Paramedics from Rangpur division attended the meeting. IACIB made a MOU with BPDA and under this MOU the training will continue with BPDA members of the whole country regularly  to upgrade their basic knowledge and improve referral system to prevent complications. The Upazila Health and Family Planning  Officer, Savar  was present in the meeting as chief guest.

TB Intervention in RMG Factories:

IACIB provides SRHR services among the Ready Made Garments (RMG) workers at Savar Area since 2013 where there are about  1.5 Million RMG workers  are working in 600 garments factories. They came from very poor family and living in a vulnerable life at slum area with low cost accommodation. IACIB implemented SRHR project with the support of HASAB, Maries Stopes UK and Alliance UK in these RMG factories since 2013. It provides vaccination under Government EPI Program in collaboration with Ministry of Health along with BCC vaccine to the infant, identify TB cases and refer to nearer Government Hospital and building awareness to the people about TB Prevention and CRG activities.

TB is a serious health problem in Bangladesh, causing about 44000 deaths each year with an estimated 360,000 million new cases reported annually ( Ref:  STP 2020) . The burden of TB is particularly for our country, where poverty, malnutrition, and weak health systems contribute to the spread of the disease. High Risk workers, Missing People, vagabond and other disadvantaged community are neglected.   IACIB has been working on TB intervention since 1995 with the support of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 

The campaign aims to end TB by 2030. It focuses on accelerating research and development for new diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines; increasing access to quality TB care and treatment for all people, especially the most vulnerable; and strengthening health systems and community engagement to prevent and control TB.

Research on TB:

IACIB conducted groundbreaking research on TB in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Government. The primary goal of this research was to advance our understanding of TB and develop innovative strategies to combat the disease. The objective was to investigate various aspects of TB, including its transmission dynamics, drug resistance patterns, and impact on vulnerable populations. Through this research, IACIB aimed to identify effective diagnostic tools, develop new treatment regimens, and enhance public health interventions for TB control. Ultimately, the goal was to contribute to the global efforts in eliminating TB as a major public health concern and improving the lives of individuals affected by this devastating disease.

World TB Day Celebration 2023

Every year IACIB celebrated World TB Day on 24 March. It has celebrated world TB day 2023 with the collaboration of 20 NGOs working in Bangladesh. The main events was Rally and Discussion Meeting to achieve the “End TB by 2030” goal.  The program was implemented with the collaboration from governments, civil society organizations, healthcare providers, researchers, and TB communities

“End TB by 2030” is a global campaign as “YES! WE CAN END TB BY 2030” aimed at eliminating the TB epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. It was launched in 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with partners such as the Stop TB Partnership, the Global Fund to Fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria, and governments around the world. IACIB takes part the campaign since 2015 and implemented various intervention for promoting Rights Based TB responses.

Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS)

IACIB is implementing a project called” Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS)” since  01 May  2023   with the Financial support of Stop TB Partnership (STP) and UNOPS. The project  was Inaugurated on  29th  May 2023 and  Chief Guest of the  program was Ex-Vice  Chancellor of  Bango Bandhu Sheikh  Mujib Medical University and  Honorable Member of Parliament  (MP) Professor Dr. Pran  Gopal Datta while Special Guest  of the program was BCCM  Vice Chairman  Professor  Dr. M.A Faiz  and Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Mr. Nazmul Haque Khan.  Honorable Guest of the program was Line Director  of  NTP Dr. Md. Mahfuzer Rahman Sarker. Chaired of the program was Professor Dr. Moazzem Hossain , Chairman of IACIB.  

CFCS is a program of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that provides grants to civil society organizations (CSOs) working on health-related issues in low- and middle-income countries. The CFCS was established in 2007 to support community-based organizations, advocacy groups, and other grassroots organizations that play a critical role in the fight against TB. As a partner of STP, we are doing campaign at National level engaging Civil society and other stakeholders. We are using Multi stakeholder’s approaches in project implementations.

The CFCS address key challenges in the fight against TB inclusion of   TB –CRG in intervention.   This includes projects focused on improving access to prevention, testing, treatment, and care services for those affected by the diseases, as well as projects focused on advocacy, community mobilization, and other activities that strengthen health systems and promote social justice. IACIB has  selected   partner NGOs  from Dauladia  brothel to find out  the  TB & HIV co-infection cases.

In addition to providing funding, the CFCS also provides technical support and capacity building to help CSOs strengthen their organizational and programmatic capabilities. This includes support for monitoring and evaluation, financial management, and other areas critical to the success of health-related programs.

Since its establishment, the CFCS has supported hundreds of projects implemented by CSOs in more than 100 countries. These projects have contributed to significant improvements in the prevention, treatment, of TB and have helped to build stronger, more effective civil society organizations that are better able to advocate for the health needs of their communities.

TB -CRG Campaign 

IACIB is promoting TB CRG (Community Rights and Gender) in Bangladesh through CFCS project funded by Stop TB Partnership and continuing campaign for inclusion TB CRG in Global fund through NTP. TB CRG stands for Engage TB Communities, Promote Human Rights and Reduce gender discrimination.

 CRG can play an important role in addressing the TB epidemic. The CRG framework emphasizes the importance of engaging with communities and empowering marginalized groups, including women, to participate in decision-making processes related to health care.

When it comes to TB, the CRG framework can help to ensure that the needs and perspectives of affected communities are taken into account in the design and implementation of TB prevention, treatment, and care programs. This includes ensuring that TB programs are culturally appropriate and accessible to all members of the community, regardless of gender, age, or other social factors.

The CRG framework can also help to address gender inequalities that contribute to the spread of TB. For example, women may be more likely to contract TB due to their social and economic roles, such as caring for sick family members or working in jobs with high exposure to TB, such as healthcare or agriculture. The CRG framework can help to ensure that TB programs address these gender-specific risk factors and promote gender equality.

Overall, the CRG framework is an important tool for addressing TB and promoting the health and well-being of marginalized communities, particularly women and girls. It highlights the critical role that community engagement and empowerment play in promoting inclusive and effective health care programs, and can help to ensure that TB programs are designed and implemented in a way that is responsive to the needs and perspectives of affected communities. The TB CRG continues to collaborate with partners around the world to design and conduct campaign through various IEC Materials such as poster, Leaflets, Calendar, Social Media Campaign,  T-Shirt, Cap  that will lead to further improvements in TB treatment and ultimately help to achieve the goal of ending TB by 2030.



Tobacco use is a growing epidemic in low income countries and contributes to ill health, environmental destruction and poverty. Considering this situation IACIB has been involved in tobacco control program in different ways with support from WHO . Under this program IACIB conducted a base line survey in 2004 on tobacco control among rickshaw pullers at Syedpur, Nilphamari district.  The study among others revealed about the health problems related to tobacco consumption was seen that majorities (64.8%) suffered from frequent caugh followed by dental problem (62.0%). The other important problems were bleeding from gum (40.7%) ulcer in oral cavity (36.5%) and frequent throat pain (35.8%). IACIB tobacco control was addressed for awareness among the Rickshaw pullers at Syedpur. Awareness raising among different professionals group, IEC Materials developed and distribution, Mass Campaign, Organized Meeting / Seminar etc. IACIB successfully completed a project title “Declaration of tobacco free schools & colleges at syedpur, Nilphama” with support from WHO. Under this project 16 educational Institutes of Syedpur were declared as Tobacco Free Zone. The Principle / Head teacher of the institution chaired the meetings. Resource persons of these meetings discussed about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption and tobacco control laws and act. Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Upazila Health and Family Welfare officers and other Government officials attended the meetings. In the meetings T-shirts, IEC Materials (sticker, leaflets, Poster) were distributed and installed signboard of NO SMOKING ZONE along with small no smoking board carrying anti tobacco massage. After these meetings rallies were held, Anti tobacco Folk Song program was arranged. IACIB Observes World No Tobacco Day on 31 May every year.

 IACIB is a member of Syedpur Upazila Taskforce Committee formed by the GOB to implement tobacco control Laws. It is also involved with the national activities against tobacco consumption and No-smoking drive of GOB & NGOs.

IACIB has conducted a number of MS (Gynae), MD (Chest), M.S.S. (Sociology) thesis of different postgraduate students. The research by MS (Gynae) student was conducted on immunological causes of infertility by detecting anti-sperm antibody in semen and blood of husband and wife.

IACIB also conducted some research on filariasis, Leishmaniasis, tobacco control, HIV/AIDS & STD prevention, Alternative Medical Care Services among its different target group. The research felt to be continued.

IACIB has conducted a number base line survey and Intervention research studies as follows:

1. Basic Research & Survey:

=> KAP survey among service providers and service receivers on Mass drug Administration and Morbidity control.
=> Factors motivate or de motivates service providers and service receivers on Community Home Based Morbidity

Control Service.

=> A Different approach of Hydrocele surgery by eversion & excision.
=> Different method of IEC campaign for filariasis elimination acceptable to the community.
=> A study on different effective and sustainable approach for drug distribution strategy for filariasis elimination in rural areas of Bangladesh by public and private drug distributors.
=> Effective and sustainable strategy for Community Home Based Morbidity Control Service.

2. The list of intervention research is given below:

=> Alternative Medical Care Service in Bangladesh was conducted with support from Ministry of Science, Information & Communication Technology (MOSICT), GOB.
=> Pre-KAP survey & Post KAP survey after intervention among Rickshaw pullers on Tobacco consumption.
=> Pre-KAP survey & Post KAP survey after intervention among Rickshaw pullers and their wives on HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention.
=> Baseline survey on Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) among School Children, at Khagrachari & Syedpur followed by de-worming intervention.
=> Present situation of Asthma and Allergic disease among different groups of population.
=> Different allergens responsible for Asthma and Allergic disease among different groups of population and in different parts of the country with seasonal variation.
=> Alternative Medical Care Service in Bangladesh with support from Ministry of Science Information, Communication and Technology, GoB.
=> Homeopathic Medical Service delivery throught the Country with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB.
=> Nutritional Profile and other associated factors responsible for filariasis in Bangladesh with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB.
=> Pilot Study on Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases including Filariasis in Botlagari union under Syedpur upozila in Nilphamari district with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB.
=> Delay in Health seeking, diagnosis and treatment of positive pulmonary TB patients of some TB hospitals/clinics in selected Districts and its associated factors in some selected hospital in Dinajpur, Rangpur and Nilphamari district with support form Directorate General of Health Services, GoB.

3. completed research study (2008-2012)

=> A study on “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on STH” in Bangladesh was completed with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB in 2008-2009.
=>A “Study on prevalence of Kala-Azar in Bangladesh (Base Line Survey)” was completed in collaboration with ICDDR,B with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GOB.

=> A study was completed on “Morbidity Control of Filariasis by Twisting Torniquet Technique and other methods” in 2008-2010.
=> A study was completed on socio-economic study of Neglected Tropical Diseases (Filaria, STH, Kala-azar) in Bangladesh in 2008-2010.
=> A study was completed on epidemiology of filariasis and other Neglected Tropical Diseases (Malaria, STH, Kala-azar) in Bangladesh and its relation with social and environmental changes in 2009-2010.
=> Morbidity Control of Filariasis by Tourniquet Technique
=> Socio-economic study on Filariasis
=> Socio-economic study on Kala-azar
=> Socio-economic study on STH
=> KAP study on Rabies among general population
=> KAP study on Rabies among school children
=> An intervention study on Rabies control among school students in Dhaka
=> Animal Birth Control (ABC) among dog population for Rabies control is an Island
=> Study on presence of Rabies virus in the brain tissue of suspected rabid cattle & dog
=> Rabies antibody titre among patient receiving TCV
=> Study on whether patient continue 4 doses of ID TCV or not
=> Implementation of Rehabilitation Program for backyard poultry holders and mini farmers affected due to HPAI outbreak – for the “Strengthening of Support Services for Combating Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Bangladesh Project.
=> Measuring the impact of LF related disabilities: The development of rapid assessment tools ( Jointly with James cook University , Australia )
=> ELISA for the diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti infection using urine samples and its application in Bangladesh ( Jointly with Aichi Medical University , Japan )
=> Collaborative research with CNTD, Liverpool , UK on morbidity control in Filariasis

4. Collaboration

IACIB has some collaboration with the following:
=> One research was completed titled “Measuring the impact of LF related disabilities: The development of rapid assessment tools” Jointly with James cook University, Australia. (One student from Australia is doing PhD under the research)
=> One research was completed titled “ELISA for the diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti infection using urine samples and its application in Bangladesh” Jointly with Aichi Medical University, Japan. (One student from Japan is doing PhD under the research)
=> Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Center for Excellence in Nutritional Genomics in the College of Biological Sciences at the University of California , Davis USA and Institute of Allergy & Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB) regarding Global Health Share Initiative (GHSI) has been signed in Nov 2010 for  future collaboration on oral rabies vaccine development and clinical trial.
=> One collaborative research was completed with CNTD, Liverpool, UK on morbidity control in Filariasis in Bangladesh.
=> One research was completed titled on morbidity control in filariasis and it’s relationship with occupation Jointly with Tsukuba University, Japan with IACIB. (One student from Japan is doing MPH under the research)
=> One research was completed on eco-health (climate change and health) with Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan with Professor Kazuhiko Moji as Team Leader.


Since its inception, IACIB conducts and organize various training program in home and abroad. Mainly from 2012 IACIB initiate different training courses with full facilities giving priority to need based assessment of participants. To give an overview of training program been portrayed below:

–          Training on Communicable and non communicable diseases with Govt., NGOs, Formal and informal leaders, RMPs etc.

–          Certificate Course on Cutting & Sewing

–          Certificate Course on Parts Making

–          Certificate Course on Bag Making

–          Certificate Course on Handicraft

–          Certificate Course on Dress Making & Tailoring

–          Certificate Course on sweater, knitwear & woven merchandising

–          Certificate Course on Quality Control in RMG

–          Capacity Building Training on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

–          Leadership Training

–          Training on Malaria Control

–          Training on Rabbis Control

–          BCC Orientation

–          Village doctor Orientation

–          Advocacy workshop

–          Training on Filariasis Control

–          Training on Physiotherapy

–          Training on Monitoring & Evaluation

–          Skill development training

–          Need based on job training

List of  Baseline survey, KAP studies and other  Research studies of IACIB

IACIB has conducted a number base line survey, KAP studies and  researches as follows:

A). International  collaborative Research  with  IACIB:

  1. One research was complete titled “Measuring the impact of LF related disabilities: The development of rapid assessment tools” Jointly with James cook University, Australia. (One student from Australia completed PhD under the research)
  2. One research was complete titled “ELISA for the diagnosis of Wuchereria bancrofti infection using urine samples and its application in Bangladesh” Jointly with Aichi Medical University, Japan. (One student from Japan completed  PhD under the research)
  3. One research was complete titled “morbidity control in filariasis and it’s relationship with occupation” Jointly with Tsukuba University, Japan. (One student from  Japan completed MPH under the research)
  4. Collaborative research with Center for Neglected Tropical Diseases (CNTD), Liverpool, UK on morbidity control in Filariasis was complete.

5.. One research was complete titled  “Molecular diagnosis of  filariasis using PCR”. One student/ Fulbright Fellow from USA completed  research under IACIB.

  1. One research was complete titled “Study on prevalence of Kala-Azar in Bangladesh (Base Line Survey)” in collaboration with ICDDR,B with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB.
  2. One research was complete titled “Sero-typing of Dengue among Bangladeshi patients” .One student/ Fulbright Fellow from USA is doing this  research under IACIB.
  3. More Fulbright Fellow will come in next years to conduct research on Animal Birth Control (ABC), dog vaccination for Rabies control and other NTDs  under IACIB and is under process.

B).  Research & Survey (Funded by GOB):

(a)          KAP survey among service providers and service receivers on Mass drug Administration and Morbidity control in Lymphatic Filariasis.

(b)          Factors motivate or de motivates service providers and service receivers on Community Home Based Morbidity Control Service in Lymphatic Filariasis.

(c)           Different method of IEC campaign for filariasis elimination acceptable to the community.

(d)          A study on different effective and sustainable approach for drug distribution strategy for filariasis elimination in rural areas of Bangladesh by public and private drug distributors.

(e)          Effective and sustainable strategy for Community Home Based Morbidity Control Service in Lymphatic Filariasis.

C). Research  and Survey(Funded by donors and GOB under HNPSP):

(a) Alternative Medical Care Service in Bangladesh was conducted with support from Ministry of Science, Information & Communication Technology (MOSICT), GOB.

(b) Pre-KAP survey & Post KAP survey after intervention among Rickshaw pullers on Tobacco consumption funded by UNOPS.

(c) Pre-KAP survey & Post KAP survey after intervention among Rickshaw pullers and their wives on HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention funded by UNOPS.

(d) Baseline survey on Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) among School Children, at Khagrachari & Syedpur followed by de-worming intervention funded by GOB.

(e) Present situation of Asthma and Allergic disease among different groups of population funded by GOB .

(f) Study on different allergens responsible for Asthma and Allergic disease among different groups of population and in different parts of the country with seasonal variation funded by GOB.

(g) Study on Homeopathic Medical Service delivery throughout  the Country with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB.

(h) Different approach of Hydrocele surgery by eversion & excision in Lymphatic Filariasis funded by SIMAVI, The Netherlands. 

(i) Nutritional Profile and other associated factors responsible for filariasis in Bangladesh with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB

 (j) Pilot Study on Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases including Filariasis in Botlagari union under Syedpur upozila in Nilphamari district with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB

(k) Delay in Health seeking, diagnosis and treatment of positive pulmonary TB patients of some TB hospitals/clinics in selected Districts and its associated factors in some selected hospital in Dinajpur, Rangpur and Nilphamari district with support form Directorate General of Health Services, GoB.

(L) Study on “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on STH” in Bangladesh was complete with support from Directorate General of Health Service, GoB in 2008-2009.

 (N) Morbidity Control of Filariasis by Tourniquet Technique.

 (O).  Socio-economic study on Filariasis

 (P).  Socio-economic study on Kala-azar

 (Q).  Socio-economic study on STH

 (R). Implementation of Rehabilitation Program for backyard poultry holders and mini farmers  affected due to HPAI outbreak   for the “Strengthening of Support Services for Combating Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Bangladesh”  Project with support from Miistry of Fisheries and Livestock,

Note:  Different studies and publications are under process.


The Filaria Hospital at Syedpur under Nilphamari District was visited by many distinguished visitors including Hon’ble Health Advisor Major General (Dr.) A. S. M. Matiur Rahman (Rtd.) and his recommendation is I have been deeply impressed to see the dedication and devotion of PM and others. They are doing an excellent job in the cost, support and treatment of Filariasis This program needs support from all. Mr. Masayuki Inoue, Ambassador of Japan, Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Mr. A.F.M Sarwar Kamal, Secretary Ministry of Religious affairs, Secretary Ministry of Water resources Director General of Health Service Dr. Shajahan Biswas, Dr. Abdur Rahaman Khan & Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, David Sproule High Commissioner of Canada, LEPRA Representative JICA Resident Representative in Bangladesh, Mr. Tsuruda Shinya Second Secretary, The Embassy of Japan, Dr. Gautam Biswas Team leader filarasis WHO Head Quarter, Geneva, Dr. EA Padmisiri from SEARO, Dr. George John Komba Kono, WHO, Dhaka, Dr. Catherine R Devries Chairperson International Volunteers in Urology (IVU), JICA, CIDA, AUS-AID, GSK, LEPRA, ICDDRB and officers from International Donor community and research organization etc. visited the hospital. The visitors highly appreciated for undertaking various Programs for Control of communicable diseases. They marked it as a “Wonderful and Remarkable achievement”.

Support from NGO Foundation :

IACIB is a partner of Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF). During 2010-2012 IACIB received  grant from BNF for the project titled ‘Filariasisi Morbidity control’. Under this project a total of 200 filariasis affected hydrocel patients received support (MSR). The support is now stopped for the time being due to some problem at Syedpur Filaria hospital.

Support from Ministry of Health :

IACIB received  a support of Taka 150,00,000.00 in 2018-19 from Ministry of Health and Family  Welfare, GOB for the staff salary, Medicine and MSR  for smooth running of Filaria and General Hospital, Savar, Dhaka.. The support was started from 2013- 14 FY  with Tk 50.00 lacs.

IACIB also received a support of taka 5.0 lacs from Ministry of Health as one time grant in 2017-18 for Thalassaemia Hospital and Institute, Savar.

Bank Information:
A/C Name : Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB)
C/D Account No. : 0043-33010023
Name of Bank : National Bank Ltd. Mohakhali Branch,
9 Bir Uttam A.K.Khandakar Sarak, Dhaka-1212.
Swift Code: NBLBBDDH043
Central account of IACIB is operated by any two of Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer.

IACIB has also separate Bank account for each project as guided by donors. Each project account is also operated by the project director of the project and any one of Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer.
IACIB maintain separate Cash Book, Ledger Book and Bank Book for each project account.

YearDonor OrganizationPurpose/Project Project Location
1995-05Self financeFilariasis , other NCD,  and Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and

Dhaka, Narayangonj

1995-04Ministry of Social welfare, Science, Technology, etc.Filariasis , other NCD and  Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and

Dhaka, Narayangonj

1999-00Canadian CIDAFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2000-01Canadian CIDAFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2001-02Canadian CIDAFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2000-01UNDP /UNOPSHIV/AIDS Prevention Program


2001-02The Embassy of JapanFilaria Hospital ConstructionSyedpur, Nilphamari
2001-02UNDP / UNOPSHIV/AIDS prevention Program


2003-04SIMAVI, NetherlandsFilariasis Morbidity control

Rajshahi Division and


2003-04AUS –AIDFilariasis Morbidity control

Rajshahi Division and



Tobacco Control among

Rickshaw puller

Syedpur, Nilphamari
2003-04HASABObservation of World AIDS DayNarayangonj
2004-05Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and

Dhaka, Narayangonj

2004-05UNICEFHAIF under HAPPNarayangonj
2004-05Canadian CIDAFilariasis morbidity control

Rajshahi Division and


2004-05Self financeIntestinal Parasite controlSyedpur, Nilphamari, Feni
2004-05Self financeLeishmaniasis controlSyedpur, Nilphamari,
2004-05Self financeMalaria controlKurigram
2005-06Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2005-06Ministry of Science, Information & communication Technology, GOBResearch Study on Alternative Medical Care Service in BangladeshAll division of the country
2005-06Japan Debt Cancellation Fund through MOHFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2005-06Directorate General of Health ServiceResearch Study on Homeopathic Medical Service delivery throughout the CountryAll over Bangladesh
2005-06Directorate General of Health ServiceResearch study on Nutritional Profile and other associated factors responsible for filariasis in BangladeshAll over Bangladesh
2005-06AUS –AIDFilariasis Morbidity control & Re-habilitation Project

Rajshahi Division and


2005-06Local Government & Engineering Department of BangladeshRepair & maintenance of HospitalFilaria Hospital, Syedpur
2005-06Self finance & ACI PharmaceuticalBase line survey and School de-worming / STH control activity


Syedpur, Nilphamari

2006-07Ministry of Health, GOB (RPA, RPA GoB)Filariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2006-07Japan Debt Cancellation Fund through MOHFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2006-07Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2006-07Directorate General of Health ServicePilot Study on Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases including Filariasis.Nilphamari
2006-07LEPRA BangladeshSocial Mobilization In Nilphamari District for MDA & Observation of National Filariasis dayNilphamari
2006-07WHOObservation of World No Tobacco weekSyedpur, Nilphamari
2006-08GFATMReduced burden of malaria in high endemic districtsKurigram, Chittagong
2007-08Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2007-08Directorate General of Health ServiceStudy on Delay in Health seeking, diagnosis and treatment for TB and its associated factors.Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Thakurgaon district.
2007-08Ministry of Health, GOB (RPA, RPA GoB)Filariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2007-08LEPRA BangladeshSocial Mobilization In Nilphamari District for MDA & Observation of National Filariasis dayNilphamari
2008-09Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2008-09Ministry of Health, GOB (RPA, RPA GoB, JDCF)Filariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2008-09WHOObservation of World No Tobacco daySyedpur, Nilphamari
2008-09NGO FoundationFilariasis Morbidity controlSyedpur, Nilphamari
2008-09LEPRA BangladeshPost MDA Meeting on Department of Health& day observationNilphamari
2008-09The Embassy of JapanExpansion of Filaria HospitalSyedpur, Nilphamari
2008-09Directorate General of Health ServiceStudy on prevalence of Kala-Azar in Bangladesh (Base Line Survey)All over Bangladesh
2009-10Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2009-10Ministry of Health, GOB ,RPA(GoB, JDCF)Filariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2010-12Ministry of LivestockStrengthening of Support services for combating Avian Influenza in BangladeshNilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Dinazpur, Gaibanda, Panchgar,Kurigram district
2009-12GFATMReduced burden of malaria in high endemic districtsKurigram, Chittagong
2010-12NGO FoundationFilariasis Morbidity controlSyedpur, Nilphamari
2010-12CNTD, Liverpool, UKGIS on Filariasis

Rajshahi Division and


2010-11Ministry of Health, GOB ,RPA,(GoB,)Filariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2010-11Novartis VaccinesSchool Health education on Rabies by calendar distributionCountry wide
2010-12Ministry of Social Welfare, GOBConstruction of Filaria and General Hospital

 Savar, Dhaka

2011-12Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2010-11DNDI/ iOWHCC & NTD ConferenceIACIB
2012-13Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rajshahi Division and


2012- 13JICA/ JSTNTDs ConferenceFilaria & General Hospital, Savar
2012- 13GHSI, USAImproved Detection and Eradication of a widespread Lymphatic FilariasisThakurgaon & Cox’s Bazar
2012-15GFATMReduced burden of malaria in high endemic districtsKurigram, Chittagong
2012-13RIHN, JapanEco-health Initiative among garments workersSavar, Dhaka
2013- 14Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rangpur  Division and


2013- 14Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Savar, Dhaka

2013- 14WHOWorld Rabies Day 2013 ObservationSavar, Dhaka
2013- 15HASABLink-Up: HIV/ AIDs and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services among Garments Factory WorkersDhaka North- South – Gazipur and Narayangonj

Social science Research Council,

Ministry of planning, GOB

Study on Rabies prevention among school childrenSavar, Dhaka
2014- 15Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Rangpur  Division and


2014- 15Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Savar, Dhaka

2015- 16Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Savar, Dhaka

2015- 16Linkup BangladeshLink-Up: HIV/ AIDs and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Rights among Garments Factory WorkersDhaka North,,Savar, Asulia and  Gazipur , Dhaka South
2015-16SNV NetherlandsWorking with women ProjectDhaka  North, Savar, Asulia
2015-17GFATMReduced burden of malaria in high endemic districtsKurigram, Chittagong
2015-17CAP Anamur German Emergency doctorsImprove maternal and child healthFilaria and General Hospital, Savar
2016- 17Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Savar, Dhaka

2016-17Humanity Beyond Barriers , USAStudy on Rabies prevention among school childrenGazipur
2016-17SNV NetherlandsWorking with women ProjectDhaka  North, Savar, Asulia
2016-17SNV NetherlandsWorking with women Project with Change AssociatesDhaka  North, Savar, Asulia
2017- 18Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activity

Savar, Dhaka

2017-18Humanity Beyond Barriers , USARelief distribution among Flood victimsRowmari, Rajibpur, Kurigram
2017-18Humanity Beyond Barriers , USAAwareness creation  on Rabies  among formal and informal leadersSavar, Dhaka
2017-18CAP Anamur German Emergency doctorsImprove maternal and child healthFilaria and General Hospital, Savar
2017- 18One time support of Ministry of Health, GOBImproved quqlity of life of Thalassaemia patientsThalassaemia Hospital and  Institute, Savar, Dhaka
2017- 18Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activitySavar, Dhaka
2018- 19Regular support of Ministry of Health, GOBFilariasis  and other Communicable Diseases  Control (CDC)  activitySavar, Dhaka
2018-19Humanity Beyond Barriers,Inc, USABase line survey of Thalassaemia carriers among University students and Garments Factory workers in BangladeshSavar, Dhaka
2018-19CAP Anamur German Emergency doctorsImprove maternal and child healthFilaria and General Hospital, Savar
2018-19Humanity Beyond Barriers, Inc, USAUrethroplasty for poor patients  in BangladeshSadar, Mymenshing
2019-20Humanity Beyond Barriers, Inc, USAA Pilot project on Food for everyone,  eliminating disparities.Korail, Slum, Banani, Dhaka.

Since its inception IACIB received support from Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh (GOB), The Embassy of Japan, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), AUS-AID, SIMAVI The Netherlands, The World Health Organization, UNDP, UNICEF and some local partners. IACIB is working with LEPRA, UK on social mobilization and working with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare under Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) through MOU.

IACIB is a member of:

  • Anti Rabies Alliance of Bangladesh(BARA)
  • Forum for Neglected Tropical Diseases (FNTDs)
  • Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance (BATA)
  • STI/AIDS Network of Bangladesh
  • Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS)
  • Bangladesh Occupational Health Safeties and Environment Foundation
  • Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF)
  • Federation of Development Society (FDS)
  • HIV/ AIDS and STD Alliance of Bangladesh (HASAB)
  • Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition (CSA SUN)
  • International Alliance Against Lymphatic Filariasis (IAALF)
  • International Public Health Forum (IPHF)
  • Marie Stopes Bangladesh (MSB)
  • Bangladesh Labor Welfare Foundation (BLF)
  • SRHR Forum of Ready Made Garments (RMGs)
  • Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF)

Note: IACIB is the Coordinator of BARA & FNTDs

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